Mentorship Initiative Program (MIP)
We have often heard that our physical therapy students (PTS) are in need of mentoring; as such, we aim to facilitate access to mentors for the students. The program is designed to facilitate the introduction of the mentee and a mentor, and is primarily mentee-driven, therefore after the initial introduction, it is the primary responsibility of the mentee to further the mentoring relationship.
To provide mentorship for physical therapy students that will enhance their academic, professional and personal development; in order for them to become successful and responsible physical therapists.
Mentor Criteria
At least 5 years practicing as a registered physical therapist.
Complete the mentor application form
Attend two feedback sessions with JPA, hosted at the beginning and end of the mentoring year.
Correspond with your mentee(s) at least 3 times for each semester.
The required meetings/interactions should be strategically placed at the beginning, middle, and end of the semester, and last no less than an hour.
We definitely encourage as many meetings/interactions as possible that will assist with achieving the mentee/mentor goals.
Mentor Characteristics
While the following characteristics are not exclusively mandatory, a positive, successful mentoring relationship will most likely be achieved if the mentor is equipped with them.
Capacity for self-reflection and self-development
Willingness to learn/teach
Eagerness to pursue excellence
Trusting stance
Intellectual humility
Internal locus of control (you feel that you can control events that happen)
Calm temperament, patient, nonjudgmental, easy to approach with questions or concerns
Good communicator
Values partnership and teamwork
Demonstrates initiative and motivation
Confidence to try new patient/client management approaches
Commitment to learner engagement
Identifies and provides care with sensitivity to generational and cultural differences
Open to feedback
Able to handle complex patient, provider, and organizational situations
Able to function competently in uncertain situations (i.e., when limited evidence exists, you must make optimally appropriate patient/client management decisions)
Support (provides trust, conveys empathy, protects the rights and safety of the mentee, provides encouragement, maintains a positive attitude)
Respect (regards the mentee as a professional and treats them fairly and appropriately; respects the mentee’s goals and circumstances, uniqueness, ideas, work, and contributions)
Focuses on acquisition of knowledge and development of advanced clinical reasoning skills, in order to competently manage a complex clinical situation.
The key to successful mentoring is the relationship between mentor and mentee. It is not simply the characteristics that each person brings to the relationship, but the behaviors and interactions that occur between the parties.